Like a Babysitter

>> Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Yesterday, my wife had to go out for a doctors appointment. That means dad gets some time along watching the girls. AJ has a pretty strict morning routine, especially for the baby. So before she left, I got the pop quiz:

A: "What time does M go down for a nap?"
T: "I know, I know, 10 am."

A: "And what time does she get up?"
T: "I know, 11 am--but I can't let her over sleep."

T: "Are you asking me because last time I forgot to get her up and get the kids lunch by 11:30am"
A: "Yes"

At least when we get a babysitter, they get a written note... all I get is a pop quiz because last time I didn't stick to the schedule.



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