Coloring on my books

>> Monday, January 31, 2011

Almost all my kids, except for our baby, has invariably gotten their hands on one of my books and marked it up.

So last night, S got one of my notebooks that I was using for a class and church. She grabbed my pen and scribbled a little in it.

Me: "Did you write on my paper?"
S: "No... I color it."



Who Doesn't Like The Boss?

So M, our almost 1 year old, was crying while we were listening to music on iTunes (The Kinks: Girl You Really Got Me Now)-- then Bruce Springsteen came on and she perked right up and started to dance a little. --I guess she likes the Boss better than British rock bands.


Media Influence

Justin Beiber on Today Show. 4 Year old says, "Justin Beaver, Whose Justin Beaver?!" Sounds good to me! So thrilled to hear that media has not influenced her yet.... Now Elmo on the other had... There is a puppet with power!


Cannot or May not

>> Sunday, January 30, 2011

Last night E was singing while she was flossing her teeth. So from the other room I say, "You can't floss your teeth and sing at the same time."

L, our astute second grader, realizing she can do it says, "Yes she can."

"Ok but she may not."

My second grader knows the difference between cannot and may not-- I however did not make myself clear.




Just a few days ago I caught my daughter 'S' yelling "HELLO" into the toilet bowl.

I hope she was not talking to anyone in there!


Long time mom

>> Saturday, January 29, 2011

You know you've been a mom awhile when...

you can harmonize with your children's toys.


How do you pronounce that?

E shouting across the house: "MOM!!!! I've got a boogie!"
L: "It's not a boogie, it's a bogie"

Boogie: Slang Dried nasal mucus
Bogie: Slang something a fighter pilot shoots down.


Flower discovery

Heard 'M' give a cry. I wonder why for she should be asleep, so I go up and check on her and here she just discovered that there is a flower on her shirt. She is trying to pull it forward to look at it better, but can't, so as she pulls harder she starts to fall backwards. I then did what any good mother does.... ran to get the camera, but missed it. She is now laying down for nap. :(


Fighting for a Name

>> Friday, January 28, 2011

Like any good couple my wife and I had trouble decided on a name for this blog.

AJ: "Don't you think we should choose a gender neutral name so that it appeals to both genders?"
T: "Don't you think women like to see their men FAIL?"
AJ: "Well when you put it that way...."

Sometime winning the battle is losing the war.



Makeup or Makeup

AJ to 'E': "Next week you have a makeup dance practice because it was canceled because of the snow."

'E': "OH, I remember when I had a makeup. We put makeup on for our recital on stage. That was our makeup recital."


Package from Jesus

Today I brought home a box from that was sent to me. It was Michael Horton's new systematic theology: The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way. It's 1,000 pages of theological goodness.

4 year old 'E' looked at the package excitedly: "Did you get a package from Jesus?"


Shirt sleeves are called what?

'E' You can not wear a short sleeve shirt, it is winter wear a long sleeve shirt.

'E' says, "You mean I can't wear an up sleeve shirt. I have to wear a down sleeve shirt."
A: Yes.


Lunch Time

Lunch Time Teachable Moments brought to you by 'S':
S takes a pretzel and says, looks like a basket. Me: Yeah? Who is in the basket? S:baby boy. Me: That's right, it's baby Moses. 'S' breaks a piece off, S: now it's a monster... aaahhhh.... Me: Okay teachable moment is over.


Mr. Sensitive

>> Thursday, January 27, 2011

'S' spilled her water while brushing her teeth and started to cry. Me being the sensitive Dad that I am, helped her get a rag and told her gently with a warm voice to clean it up, helping her by doing it with her. Then I comfortingly added: "See now, was that worth crying about?" 'S', in a moaning wimper: "yeah!" DadFAIL


Stop Fighting

>> Saturday, January 22, 2011

middle two kids fighting upstairs after dinner. Me: "They are fighting" AJ: "If somebody falls down and breaks their arm, I'm not running them to the hospital." Me franticly to upstairs: "STOP FIGHTING!!!" husbandFAIL


Share the Couch

>> Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sitting on the couch, 'S' comes back from lunch: 'S': "MY SEAT," Tim:"How about you ask me to move, so you can sit?" S: "No" dadFAIL


Take out the Trash

>> Saturday, January 15, 2011

AJ: "When you take the trash out, can you shake off my rugs?" Me: "Really?" AJ: "It's doesn't have to be perfect... I've learned not to expect it." LOLs; husbandFAIL



>> Wednesday, January 12, 2011

'S' comes to me for chapstick this morning: S: "Daddy ipstick?" T: "Ok" there are three on the top shelf, I pull one down. S: "No, that Lizabet" Pull down a second, S: "No, not mine" Finally with the third: "that mine." What's it gonna be like when they have real makeup? DadFAIL


Star Trek WIN!

My heart just skipped a beat: in the middle of Sleeping Beauty, 3 year old 'S' looked at me a said, "Daddy, I wanna watch space ship" (i.e. Star Trek) DadWIN


More dadFAIL

>> Friday, January 7, 2011

My wife says to me: "If you need more dad fails, you should stick around more and let me leave." husbandFAIL


Spin the Blocks

>> Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Me: "What did you guys do today?" 5 year old 'E': "At church we played spin the Bo....[heart stops; adrenaline rushes]... bah-locks and knock them down." dadFAIL



>> Monday, January 3, 2011

S just asked me "Daddy can I have my pillow pet?" --since it was sitting on the bed behind me, I just figured she left it there so I reach over and grab it... AJ: "Why did you give that to her? She was being punished?" dadFAIL, husbandFAIL


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