
>> Tuesday, May 31, 2011

E: "Dad look at my little caterpillar." Shows him to me crawling on her hand.
Me because we have to go run errands: "Wow, that's nice. Now, E go inside and was your hands, you were playing in the dirt"
E goes inside, washes hands, comes back out.
E: "Dad, I can't find my caterpillar, I took him upstair, but now he fell off and I can't find him."



Fighting over cleaning?

>> Friday, May 20, 2011

Our younger 3 children fight over who gets to clean. Everything from vacuuming to cleaning the bathrooms! I am feeling so blessed right now. Thank You Lord for their servant attitudes. Please don't let it leave them EVER so that one day they may bless others. Until then, I will dwell in your blessings! Praise Him whom all blessing flow!


Poke,Poke, Poke

>> Friday, May 13, 2011

I have been teaching "M' who is now 15 months old how to bat her eyes. It is so cute and hilarious to see her try. Well, now I might be regretting that. She walked up to me today and started poking my eye until I realized that she was batting her eyes, and wanted me to do it along with her! Oops.


Sleeping Beauty Game

So 'E' came to me and asked if playing a princess game would be fun.

Me: Sure if it was a Sleeping Beauty game. Now that would be fun.
'E': How do you play that?
Me: You get to sleep and whoever can sleep the longest wins. I know I would be good at that game. I love to sleep!
'E': I am good at that too!
Me: okay lets try it. Ready. Go.

We both rested out heads against the fridge (for I was in the middle of cooking dinner at the time) and 'E' has never been SO quiet for that long of a period of time! I just wanted to laugh, for now I know how to get her to just slow down, not move, and stop talking! We will play the Sleeping Beauty Game!

Oh, and I lost for "L" walked in from school and was calling me, so I had to answer and lose.


Placemat Fail

>> Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cleaning up from dinner M (1 yr old) decided to hold up her placemat, dumping crumbs on the table.

Me: "M put your placemat down."

She promptly turns, hangs it over the floor and goes to put it down.



Moldy situation!

>> Thursday, May 5, 2011

So here was my bible analogy this morning. My daughter 'L' was making her lunch when I asked her if she packed a sandwich yet.

'L' responded "No. 'Cause there is something growing on my sandwich and I didn't want to tell you. It's mold mom!"
Me: So take it out and through it in the trash.
So I reach in and pull out her sandwich container. Yeah, that sandwich was in there for some time. 'L' must have seen the look on my face and says, " Sorry mom, I just didn't want to tell you."
So, I told her that this is what happens when we don't clean up after our selves sometimes and then I was able to show her that this is also what happens to our hearts when we try to cover up the wrongs we do or try to hide things from others that we know to be wrong. She understood. Then I pointed out to her that doesn't she feel better having finally told me or in this case showed me. 'L' let out a big sigh and said, 'yeah, that's better. So we gladly threw the whole thing away. (There was no saving that container!)

Maybe I should have used that as family illustration today! Or science experiment..... no that just stank way too much!


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