Mom, Don't hit Dad

>> Monday, December 19, 2011

So my wife and I are in a silly mood, which involves some teasing. She didn't get much sleep, so that means she laughs at everything and is jovial until she crashes later in the day.

She teased me and I got a good nature ribbing back.

After one zinger, she playfully whacked me with a rolled up magazine.

S happened to see it: "Hey, Mom! Don't hit Dad."
AJ: "Daddy was mean to Mommy."
S: "Oh. Ok then"



A sample of today's speech by 3 yr old

>> Wednesday, December 14, 2011

S: Mom, I need more check-up
Me: Katchup?
S: yeah, it's in the chicken
Me: you mean Kitchen
S: That's what I said.


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