The Making of a Boy

>> Tuesday, November 13, 2012

'S' walks over to me and says, "Mom, we're making a boy, but we can't get his butt on."
I look over and she hands me a Mr. Potato Head.

I guess that could be one dilemma when making a POTATO boy.


Don't Ask E what's for dinner!

>> Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tonight 'E' Is helping me make dinner.
Except when one of her sister's asked, "What's for dinner?"
'E's response: Chicken patios!



>> Tuesday, October 30, 2012

'M' has a response for EVERYTHING right now.
Just the other day she asked to jump on our bed. Of course we told her no. Our bed could break and then were would Daddy and Mommy sleep?  Her response:
"Well, you could sleep in the Living Room."


Potty Training!

>> Friday, October 26, 2012

So 'M' potty training is like this. She can stay dry and even tell me on Fridays. Only on Fridays. Hmm. Wonder why? So today I asked her, "Why do you stay dry on fridays but not on the other days?" 
'M' response: "Too bad for you." 
(other 3 kids were trained in 4 weeks, guess I needed one difficult one)


Runny noses

>> Thursday, September 20, 2012

'M' came to mommy this morning and with her nose running and exclaims,
"Mom! My nose is dropping! My nose is dropping!"


A Kind of Who's on First.

>> Monday, July 9, 2012

On a walk with S (4 yrs old) and our neighbor whose first name is Guy stopped to talk to us. After he left, this conversation ensued:
S: "Who was that?"
Me: "You know who that was, that's our neighbor Guy."
S: "No, what's his name?"
Me: "Guy."
S: "No, what is the man's name?"
Me: "I told you, his name is 'Guy'"

Our version of Who's On First.


>> Friday, June 1, 2012

While watching Price is Right, one of the prizes was a trip to Utah
Me: 'M' say Utah
M: No, you talk
Me: No, U_T_A_H
M: No, no U talk, you talk.


ParentFAIL Birthday Photo Edition

>> Thursday, April 26, 2012

For her birthday she got games:

Unwrapping the box:


Reading the fine print:

Most parents buy the toy and forget to buy the batteries. We bought the battery and didn't get the toy. parentFAIL


Winnie the Poop

>> Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our youngest daughter was watching Winnie the Pooh yesterday and in the car and before bed was singing his intro song with her own creative revision:

M singing intro: "♫♫♫Winnie the Poop.♫♫♫ Winnie the Poop♫♫♫"
My wife AJ: "No. It's Winnie the Pooh"
Morgan: "Poop?"
AJ: "Pooh"
Morgan: "Poop!"
AJ: "Pooh!"
Morgan:"Oh!!!! ...[*pause*].................. poop"



Stroking Dad's Ego

>> Saturday, April 7, 2012

S: "Mom, you didn't pack for Daddy."
My wife: "No, I didn't pack for Daddy. He's a grown up."
L: "He's a man"
S: "no, he's a ROCK STAR!"



Babies come from...

>> Friday, April 6, 2012

E: "It's all about kids"
Me: "No it's not all about you. Sometimes it's about Mommy's and Daddy's."
AJ: "There would be no kids if there weren't for Mommy and Daddy.:
Me: "Yeah, where do you think kids come from?"
E: "From a Zombie."...



To be a human!

>> Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tonight during dinner 'L' (8) shares what she wants to be when she grows up then our 4 year old "S" raises her hands and yells out, "I WANT TO BE A HUMAN!"


Her room vs. my study

>> Saturday, February 18, 2012

L: "You gotta organize your library here dad--especially this shelf where its piled and stacked."
Me: "This coming from the girl whose room is a mess."
L: "Don't you yell at me when my room is a mess? Shouldn't I yell at you when your room is a mess?"


When you're kids know you too well

>> Monday, January 16, 2012

When you're kids know you too well.... they know how to get away with stuff. Here's a conversation I had with my second oldest after they had built a tent on their bed.

Me: "hey, no playing in a tent, clean this up."
E: "we're not playing in a tent, we're playing Star Trek."

Me: "Do you think just because it's Star Trek, I'll let you play?"
E: "Yeah."


I'm a huge Star Trek fan and my kids know it.


Fun with Figures of Speech

>> Sunday, January 1, 2012

S has a habit of not eating her food. All the kids have a habit of not using utensils like they are supposed to. I was attempting to address the former problem at lunch today.

Me commenting on her full plate of food: "S you've hardly touched your food."
S: "I know, I used my fork."



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