Mom, Don't hit Dad

>> Monday, December 19, 2011

So my wife and I are in a silly mood, which involves some teasing. She didn't get much sleep, so that means she laughs at everything and is jovial until she crashes later in the day.

She teased me and I got a good nature ribbing back.

After one zinger, she playfully whacked me with a rolled up magazine.

S happened to see it: "Hey, Mom! Don't hit Dad."
AJ: "Daddy was mean to Mommy."
S: "Oh. Ok then"



A sample of today's speech by 3 yr old

>> Wednesday, December 14, 2011

S: Mom, I need more check-up
Me: Katchup?
S: yeah, it's in the chicken
Me: you mean Kitchen
S: That's what I said.


Character or Lack Thereof

>> Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tonight I tried to appeal to my character with my daughter.

L: "Is 'oh my gosh' a bad word because you just said it?"
Rather than give a simple yes or no, I tried to appeal to her on the basis of my character.
Me: "Well do you think if it was a bad word that I would have said it?"
L: "Yes"



A Logical Fallacy that Works on Kids

>> Sunday, November 27, 2011

Me to kids: "If you don't eat your vegetables you won't get a super power."
Kids: "What?! That's not true."
Me: "Mommy doesn't eat vegetables, and mommy doesn't have a super power. Therefore, if you don't eat your vegetables you won't get a super power."


Because there'd be a boy...

>> Monday, November 21, 2011

This is how a conversation unfolded with my oldest:

L: "Daddy, I am 16 going on 17."
Me: "No you're not" (she's 8)
L: "I know but I wish I was."
Me: "I don't"
L: "Why not?"
Me: "Because that would mean there would be a boy 18 going on 19."


Figures of Speech

Me to 1 of the kids: "Don't push your luck."
her: "What does that mean?"
Me: "It means don't tempt fate."
her: "What does that mean?"
Me, toying with her: "It means be careful b/c you're on thin ice."
her: "What does THAT mean?"


Donuts?! Where's my Party?

>> Monday, November 14, 2011

While out with the two youngest:
Me: "Do you want a surprise?"
Girls: "YEAH!"
S (3 yrs old): "Like a party?!"
Me: "A surprise is like a party. Can you guess where we are going to go?"

After giving some hints, we arrive at Dunkin' Donuts. We order donuts.
5 minutes later after S is halfway through her donut: "There's no party here; we need to go where there is a party."
Me: "But this is your surprise. Daddy bought you a donut."
S: "Yeah, but there's no party here."

On the way home: "Are we going to a party now?"

Some days you just can't win.



Holy Ghost

>> Friday, November 11, 2011

Nap time conversation with 3 year old about ghosts.

S: so the ghost got me my bed.
Me: A ghost?
S: yeah, he carried it on his back.
Me: who put the bed together?
S: the ghost
Me: There are no ghosts besides the holy ghost
S: a HOLY ghost?!
Me: yeah, the one that comes to live inside you when you accept Jesus as your Lord
S: so I have to eat him?
Me: no.


Thrown Under the Bus for a Blankie

>> Monday, October 17, 2011

S: "Daddy, can I bring my blankie downstairs?"
Me: "Sure"
5 min later AJ comes inside: "Get that blankie upstairs, you know you aren't allowed to have it down here."
S: "Daddy said so."
Me sensing I've been thrown under the bus: "Thanks Samantha, thanks a lot"
S: "Thank YOU Daddy."



I can read!

>> Saturday, October 8, 2011

Me: "It's time to read our Bible devotions."
S (3yrs old): "Can I read them with you Dad?"
Me: "Honey, you don't know how to read."
S: "I can read!"
Me: "Really? Ok" pointing to the word 'Wednesday,' "What does this say?"
S: "There is a Y, W, D, A, S..." pausing to look at me, "SEE! Dad, I can read."



Adam & Eve's First Sin

>> Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tonight we were reviewing the Catechism question:
Me: "Q.15: By what sin did our first parents fall from their original condition? in other words, how did they first sin?"
E (who is 5): "Um... they had kids..."

The fall: after kids it's all downhill.


Who's a Mess?

>> Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pointing at M, AJ says to me: "You can clean up that mess."
Me to M, with a big grin: "Who's a mess?"

M, who at 18 months doesn't say much, looks at me, points with her fork and says, "You"



Instruments used for heart attacks

>> Sunday, September 11, 2011

On the way home from church our 5 year old 'E' asked.

"So how did you know that your dad died of a heart attack?"
Me: They use certain instruments to look at his heart.
'E': Instruments like a flute and drums?
ME: No. Not like that. Medical instruments honey. Special tools doctors use.
'E' oh.


Who are you keeping out?

>> Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So we are upstairs putting laundry away, cleaning their rooms together when I went to put some things in the bathroom to discover the door is locked.

Me: Who locked the door?
E: Me
Me: Why?
E: So 'M' (our 18 month old) doesn't go in.
Me: Well, now none of us can get in. Need to think in through just a little more before you lock a door 'E'. You had the right idea, but just shutting the door would have worked fine.

sigh... paper clip in hand and ready to spend time trying to get a door opened.


When Questions Overwhelm...

>> Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So lately our oldest L has been on this kick of asking all kinds of questions. Most of them have been word meanings or figures of speech. Today seemed like an unusual amount of questions and I just was a little tired of it. I honestly just got flustered. So this is how the conversation at dinner went:

AJ: "We have to clean the house tonight because if it is not cleaned I get overwhelmed when I see it the next day."
L: "What does overwhelmed mean?"
Me: "L, that's all you do right now is ask questions. It is getting annoying. That's all you do all the time. I'm tired of it. I'm going to buy you a dictionary for your birthday, then you can look up all these words so I don't have to answer your questions!"
AJ: "You know the questions are good because she wants to learn."
E chimes into the conversation: "What's a dictionary?"



God's Sovereignty... in Dirty Diapers

>> Friday, August 5, 2011

So for family devotions tonight we were reviewing the Westminster Shorter Catechism:

Q. 8. How doth God execute his decrees?
A. God executeth his decrees in the works of creation and providence

Tonight's discussion was on God's hand of providence. We talked about the life of Joseph and Genesis 50:20.
Genesis 50:20 As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.
After devotions:
Me: "L, does M need a diaper change? I think she stinks."
L: "No she's fine."
Me: "I can smell her from here." (I check) "Oh man, it's awful."

While changing her: "L, I should make you change this since you told me she didn't have one."
L: "Hey, it's not my fault, it was God's providence."


Cross posted at The Voyages.


18 month old prayers

>> Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Praying for lunch w/our 18 month old 'M' goes a little something like this:

Me: Dear Jesus
Me: We love you
'M': (puckers up and wants a kiss from me)
Me: Amen
'M': AAAHHHH! (pure excitement, she loves to eat)


Nap Time!

>> Thursday, July 21, 2011

So I went in to get the 2 younger girls up from their naps. I went into 'S' room first. Woke her up and asked her if she had a good nap. Here is her response. "No, I need to do it again."

Who else could use a do over when it comes to nap time?!


Gum will grow!

>> Saturday, July 16, 2011

When I went to get 'S' up from her nap I did not notice till we got outside that she had some gum in her mouth.

So since we were outside, I instructed her that since she did not ask for the gum, to spit it out in the garden. She does.
A few minutes later she comes back to me and says, "Mom, my gum will grow now."
Me: Why do you think that? Because it's in the garden?
'S': YUP!
Me: okay


I'm NOT staring!

'E' and I were sitting on the 2 seater swing and she was turned facing the neighbors yard. They had several older kids playing and she just kept watching them. So I said, "'E' you shouldn't be staring."

'E': I'm not staring, I'm just watching them.
'Me': yes, but it is not nice too just sit here and watch them this whole time
'E': I'm not staring. I'm blinking.


Word Games

>> Friday, July 8, 2011

Yesterday when L was told not to do something she went off sulking.

Me: "L, are you sulking?"
L: "What's sulking?"
Me: "Its when you go off and pout?"
L: "What's pout?"
Me: "When you are brooding."
L: "What is brooding?"



Don't Laugh...

>> Monday, June 6, 2011

Tonight at dinner, my wife AJ was teaching our 5 year old to sound out the word 'man' and spell it. Then my wife says, "Daddy is a man."
S (3) looks right at AJ, put he hand on her hip, take her other hand and flicking her wrist forward and points right at AJ: "Don't call him that! He's a Daddy NOT a man!" (in quite the sassy voice).

I started to laugh, but wanted to hold it back because I didn't want to embarrass S. I had a my hand over my mouth but couldn't stop it.  I started snorting because I couldn't contain my laugh as S was staring down AJ.

By this time all the kids are looking at me and they start to laugh because of the way I'm snorting. The older two figured out why I was laughing.

But S turns to look at me, without knowing why I was snorting. In innocent excitement because I was snorting and she was missing it, she says: "Do it again Daddy! Do it again!"

And with that, I really started laughing.


Ask a Stupid Question p2...

Me to S (3 yr old) who is running with her ball and rackets: "Want me to play with you?" 
S: "No, mommy is going to." 
Me: "What I'm not good enough?" 
S: "No. You're too big." 



Who slobbers?!?

>> Friday, June 3, 2011

So after the girls and I were done saying our evening prayers together. I gave them all a kiss goodnight. 'L' asks: Mom why don't you kiss on the lips?

Me: Because I just don't. I don't know.
'L': But you kiss Daddy on the lips....... oh but wait. He slobbers.
Me: What? Daddy doesn't slobber.
'L' Yes he does.
Me: laughed. Okay.

I tried to stand up for you babe. I know you don't slobber, but your almost 8 year apparently knows better than I. We may need to start praying more and harder.


Hypothesis Tested

>> Thursday, June 2, 2011

Apparently, on the kids TV show "Dinosaur Train" on PBS they talk about "testing hypotheses" on the episodes. They propose experiments and then test them to see if the hypothesis is true or not. 

So tonight at dinner, E (5 yrs old) says out of the blue: "Dad, I have a hypothesis to test" [she pronounced it high-pop-isis].
Me: "Oh, what's that"
E: "I have a hypothesis that we can have rice crispy treats for dessert." 
Me: "I think we should definitely test that hypothesis."

And we did.


Testing the Hypothesis


Everybody loves Rice Crispy treats!



>> Tuesday, May 31, 2011

E: "Dad look at my little caterpillar." Shows him to me crawling on her hand.
Me because we have to go run errands: "Wow, that's nice. Now, E go inside and was your hands, you were playing in the dirt"
E goes inside, washes hands, comes back out.
E: "Dad, I can't find my caterpillar, I took him upstair, but now he fell off and I can't find him."



Fighting over cleaning?

>> Friday, May 20, 2011

Our younger 3 children fight over who gets to clean. Everything from vacuuming to cleaning the bathrooms! I am feeling so blessed right now. Thank You Lord for their servant attitudes. Please don't let it leave them EVER so that one day they may bless others. Until then, I will dwell in your blessings! Praise Him whom all blessing flow!


Poke,Poke, Poke

>> Friday, May 13, 2011

I have been teaching "M' who is now 15 months old how to bat her eyes. It is so cute and hilarious to see her try. Well, now I might be regretting that. She walked up to me today and started poking my eye until I realized that she was batting her eyes, and wanted me to do it along with her! Oops.


Sleeping Beauty Game

So 'E' came to me and asked if playing a princess game would be fun.

Me: Sure if it was a Sleeping Beauty game. Now that would be fun.
'E': How do you play that?
Me: You get to sleep and whoever can sleep the longest wins. I know I would be good at that game. I love to sleep!
'E': I am good at that too!
Me: okay lets try it. Ready. Go.

We both rested out heads against the fridge (for I was in the middle of cooking dinner at the time) and 'E' has never been SO quiet for that long of a period of time! I just wanted to laugh, for now I know how to get her to just slow down, not move, and stop talking! We will play the Sleeping Beauty Game!

Oh, and I lost for "L" walked in from school and was calling me, so I had to answer and lose.


Placemat Fail

>> Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cleaning up from dinner M (1 yr old) decided to hold up her placemat, dumping crumbs on the table.

Me: "M put your placemat down."

She promptly turns, hangs it over the floor and goes to put it down.



Moldy situation!

>> Thursday, May 5, 2011

So here was my bible analogy this morning. My daughter 'L' was making her lunch when I asked her if she packed a sandwich yet.

'L' responded "No. 'Cause there is something growing on my sandwich and I didn't want to tell you. It's mold mom!"
Me: So take it out and through it in the trash.
So I reach in and pull out her sandwich container. Yeah, that sandwich was in there for some time. 'L' must have seen the look on my face and says, " Sorry mom, I just didn't want to tell you."
So, I told her that this is what happens when we don't clean up after our selves sometimes and then I was able to show her that this is also what happens to our hearts when we try to cover up the wrongs we do or try to hide things from others that we know to be wrong. She understood. Then I pointed out to her that doesn't she feel better having finally told me or in this case showed me. 'L' let out a big sigh and said, 'yeah, that's better. So we gladly threw the whole thing away. (There was no saving that container!)

Maybe I should have used that as family illustration today! Or science experiment..... no that just stank way too much!



>> Tuesday, April 26, 2011

During dinner tonight we were discussing why a person usually knows more than a younger person. 'E' states: "Yeah, that is why Mommy and Daddy know almost everything they are older, right Mom?" Me: Yeah, almost.


Even if God

>> Thursday, April 14, 2011

Today's lunch we were having celery. As I was washing the celery off 'E' says:

"Mom, you know even if God put celery in your fridge you would still have to wash it off."
hhmmm. Never really thought about that before. If God put celery in your fridge, would you have to wash is off?


I'm so loved!

>> Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My oldest daughter (who is 7.5) told me during dinner that I am her best friend! It gets better... friends were telling her things and she told her friends that she was going to share with me and that I would also keep their secrets because I'm her best friend! How sweet is that!


Future Mom in Training

>> Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So I walked up behind E and poked her just to be silly. A conversation ensued:
E: "Dad!!!"
Me: "What? Why do you blame me? How do you know it was me?"
E: "I saw you, I have two eyes. If Mom has like a million eyes because when she's doing something she can still see me, then I can see you."


Better Late than Never

>> Monday, April 11, 2011

S got up from the dinner table. She's supposed to ask before she gets down.

Got to the living room and then she remember:

S: "Dad, can I get up?"

Better late than never?



what kids say...

"Mom! I need help! It's too easy!"


Wii Music

The kids were playing Wii.

E: "L, do you know why their is scary music?"
L: "Why?"
E: "Because you're at a scary place."

It's Mario Party 8.


Water into Wine

>> Saturday, April 9, 2011

Every day I take a sports bottle of water to church. At dinner tonight I was going to pour some of that water into one of my daughter's cup. My wife thinks its gross to reuse a water container without sufficiently rescrubbing them clean. I tend to slack a little in rewashing it because I only use water in it.

AJ: "Ew, don't pour that fermented water into her cup."
Me: "What water cannot ferment."
AJ: "Jesus turned water into wine; water can ferment."




>> Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Mom, I have a wedgie and I can't wedgie it!"


Part 2 lunch conversation 4/6/11

Here are some thoughts that came up during lunch:

'E' : Does a police officer mommy have kids? what about the daddy?
: I wish I could tell God what 'vakerated' means, because he doesn't know what it means.
(maybe because you made it up 'E')


Lunch Conversation 4/6/11

Today as we sit down for lunch I asked the girls what we should talk about and so I suggested that reflecting on how are day has been so far maybe we should talk about our attitudes or about how we are to be obedient as unto the Lord.

Of course, 'E' responded: No, I think we should talk about what everything means, 'cause I don't know what everything means."
Okay then....


2 Combs

>> Wednesday, March 30, 2011

E: I have 2 combs

Me: Why
E: One for morning and one for night time.

She may be rough and tumble, but she is still every bit a girl!



>> Monday, March 28, 2011

After teaching our marriage class last night, I said to the girls, "okay, it's clean up time and then we'll have cake."

E responds, "Cake I Love Sugar!!"


Ask a Stupid Question...

>> Sunday, March 27, 2011

Me to E as I help her get her sneakers on: "Do you like these shoes?"
E: "I like all my shoes..."

Yup, she's a woman.
Stupid me for asking such a dumb question.


Should have had boys

>> Saturday, March 19, 2011

So at dinner I burped at the table.

All the girls: "EEEEWWWWWW"
Me: "Ok that's enough, I covered my mouth with the napkin"
S pointing: "that was you" [sometimes my strategy is to pass blame]
Me to wife: "I can't burp and I can't fart. I can't even be a man in my own home. I need my manhood."
E: "then you should have had boys"



Mom's Worth More than Dad

>> Thursday, March 17, 2011

AJ called me at work today:

AJ: "Are you coming home from work early today?"
Me: "No, why, do you need it?"

AJ: "Well how do you start the grill?"
Me: "Is the gas on?"

AJ: "Yes, it won't start though"
Me: "Well sometimes the electric starter doesn't work maybe it's broken."

AJ: "That stinks"
Me: "Just get a lighter."

AJ: "What? And stick it down there?"
Me: "Yes, [we have a long neck lighter] just light it and stick it down there where the gas comes out. It will start."

AJ: with increasing hesitancy: "You just put it down there?"
Me: "Yes? Do you want me to come home and light it. That way you don't have to worry about blowing up."

AJ: "Yes, the kids need their mom."



Career choice has been found!

>> Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I think 'E' would make a great lawyer!

We spent the second half of lunch time today talking about how this one crayon (which looks orange in color to me) is not actually orange but peach. Then she went on to debate me and explained all her reasons why it is not orange but actually peach. She was quit convincing that I change my mind and told her she was right. (either that or I am just not in the mood for debate class today!)


The Sink & Daddy: the Commonality

>> Monday, March 14, 2011

So E and I finished washing the dishes.

When we drained the sink, it made a really loud gurgling sound.

E: "What was that!?" --obviously thinking it sounded cool.

Me: "that was the sound of the sink draining."

E: "Cool, it sounded like burping and farting all in one."

Me: "So it sounded like daddy?"

E: "YEAH!"


Life's hard

>> Tuesday, March 8, 2011

'E' turns to me and says, "I don't know what to do."

My usual response to this is, 'I'm not here to entertain you, so wipe down the cabinets, dust, or clean your room. There is plenty to do. If you have energy to whine, you have energy to help me clean.' They are reminded real quickly not to whine to mom about their boredom.

So today I thought, let's change it up and see what happens. So dramatically I said, "Wow, life is hard when you just don't know what to do!"

'E' replies seriously: yeah, it's real hard. I just don't know what to do.

(I should have stuck with my basic then at least something would have gotten cleaned.)


Diaper Change

>> Friday, March 4, 2011

So I came home and decided to change M's diaper because she was a little damp. My wife says: "No I just changed her, she was a little damp because I forgot to change her all day [really: just before she went down for a nap]."
E who is always the literalist: "Yeah Mom didn't change her ALL day."
My wife to E: "You didn't either so I don't want to hear about it."

Well that ended that complaint.


We are not so different

>> Thursday, March 3, 2011

'E' turns to me in confusion and asks why 'L' said they were different?

'E' says, "we are not different. we are all in the same family."
ME: What was happening when 'L' said you were different.
'E': 'L' held my hand and said my hand was warm and hers was cold. But we are not different we are in the same family.
ME: yes, we are all the same as in we are all related, but we all look different and feel different. Like 'L' has short hair and you have long hair.
'E': I know, but 'S' has really short hair so she is really different.
(I don't think she got it)


What's a word

>> Wednesday, March 2, 2011

'E' states during lunch time today that 'vacerated' is a word because it has letter's in it.

How can I argue that? I can NOT wait till she start's kindergarten next fall! The stories those teachers are going to tell!


Look at ME

>> Wednesday, February 23, 2011

'E' and 'S' were fighting, and this is how it went:

E: don't look at me
S: no, don't look at me
E: don't look at me
S: don't look at me
As a mom I see this is not going to get anywhere really fast, so I intervened and said, "Hey why don't you girls come and look at me for awhile, I don't mind." Glad to say that solved the fight, but now I wonder why my girls don't want to come and look at me....?


yeah, that's what I said

'S' comes over to me and says, Mommy this is Cinderella" (pointing to the sticker she got from the doc. office today) I looked at the sticker and said, No that is Snow White. 'S' then looks at me and then looks back at the sticker and says w/a confused expression on her face, "yeah, Cinderella!?!" Oh, I must have forgotten that ALL princesses no matter who they are, are called Cinderella's. Silly Me.


"I have a cold"

>> Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We have cough & colds going through the house.

Tonight E said "Maybe I shouldn't play Wii, I have a cold."

I don't know we may have to run to the ER; it could be more serious than we thought. ;-)


singing to clean

This morning 'E' comes down with all the laundry and heads to the living room singing,

"Today I get to clean the bathroom, oh, oh, oh yeah! I get to clean the bathroom, oh, oh, yeah!"
Reminds me of how we are to do everything with a joyful heart! (even cleaning the bathrooms)


pteranodon's at dinner!

>> Saturday, February 19, 2011

During dinner while my hubby & I were talking I see 'S' flapping her arms yelling, "AWW-AWW"

So I turned to her and said, "Stop acting like a pteranodon and eat your dinner." How many moms get to say that?!


Star Trek IV Plot

Tonight, L, our oldest daughter asks: "Can we watch Star Trek IV?"
Me: "Sure honey"
L: "That's Mrs. G's [teacher at school] favorite Star Trek. She says it has whales in it and they have to bring the whales back to the future." Pauses. "What does that [back to the future] mean?"
Me: "Well in the movie, they travel back in time to around the time daddy was a little boy [mid-1980s]..."
L: "WHHHOAAAA!!!!!!"



Imagination FAIL

>> Thursday, February 17, 2011

E: "Dad, I wish my Barbies would come alive and be real like people so I could play with them."
Dad: "That'd be cool but you just have to use your imagination." 
E: "I do, but it doesn't work."




My daughter just told me 'You are not my mother'

Yeah, if she says this now and next week she turns 3, what will she say when she's 10,12,16,19?


Smelly Valentine

>> Monday, February 14, 2011

Since I have four girls, I got them each something for Valentine Days. You know, trying to be the good Dad and teach them how men should treat their ladies, even from a young age.

So last night I set out the little card, ballon and stuff animal with candy that I had gotten them.

This morning they were all excited to see what the got. Of course, they were up and at the breakfast table before I was ready to get out of bed.

S asked me to come and read her card. I was all excited, turning 3 this month this was the first time she was actually interested in reading the card. In the middle of me reading the sweet little note she looks up at me: "Dad, you smell."

Happy Valentine's Day to you too.



Growing up!

>> Sunday, February 13, 2011

This month 2 out of our 4 children will have b-days. You can really see the difference between a 1 yr. old 'M' celebrating from our 2 going on 3 yr. old celebrating. Our 2 year old 'S' is SO excited about her sisters birthday and knows her b-day is coming. As we sing, 'S' decided she just can't wait, so she blows out the candle before we even finish the song. Pure excitement for birthdays!



>> Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I was trying to trim my 4 yr. olds hair this evening, I needed to find something at her height to look at to stay still. Needless to say it was the hole that is in the curtain in our livingroom. So we started talking about curtains and how we need new ones. She stated that they should be princess ones. I looked at her and asked if Daddy would like that. Her response, "Well, Daddy can have star trek curtains on the smaller window and we can have princess ones on the really big windows."

Okay, but not too sure if Mom likes that idea.....


iTunes Fail

>> Monday, February 7, 2011

I was surfing the web on my laptop and 'E' came down from her afternoon nap. She sat next to me to watch.

E: "Dad, play some music"
Me: "I don't have any music on here"
E: "Yes you do!" pointing to the iTunes icon "It's right there!"

I stand corrected.

So I play the only two songs I have amongst all the podcast. For some reason I have a copy of the theme song to the original Duke's of Hazard and I have the music from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Once that was done, it went to an audio lecture.

E: "Dad, can you get that talking off of there?"



Count Down

'S' counts for hide-n-seek: 1,2,3,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Here I come!



>> Friday, February 4, 2011

My 4 yr. old daughter said I was still 20! This is a happy day for mom!



The other night we had some pizza. We put the pizza out and a turned away for a few seconds. By the time we looked back S, almost 3, had decided that she would cut the pizza. She made some interesting pizza shapes.


The Barbie

>> Thursday, February 3, 2011

You know you're a mom when you analyze the Barbie doll a little too closely

Here is what I noticed today while playing with 'S' that Barbie's upper eyeliner is black and lower eye liner is brown. What is that about?
Also, while playing with Barbie I noticed she has the popping knee joints. When I was a kid it was just something fun so Barbie can sit, but now that I am a little older it reminds me of either athletic knees or old arthritic knee joints. How over time one's view can change!


Cards Don't Talk!

I gave our 4 yr. old a used Wendy's gift card. She looks it over and asks what the numbers are for on the card. I told her that every card comes with numbers. She turns to me and says, 'Mom, cards can't have numbers they don't talk!' Had to clarify the difference between phone numbers and card numbers. Don't think I should have to do this at 4 years of age! They are growing up way to quickly these days.


How to raise a Trekkie

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

"Does Mom know I'm watching this?"

"That's a big ship"
"I want one"



>> Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This is how our soon-to-be 3 year old 'S' asks for water during a meal:

"Can you water me?"


"Keep it down"

The other day my 4 year old 'E' was coloring at the kitchen table. I was in the adjacent room listening to iTunes music. She says to me: "Dad, would you keep it down, I NEED to focus."

I guess coloring can produce a lot of stress, staying inside the lines and all.


(after we scanned it, I showed her it was on the computer and she asked: is it still on the coloring book?")


Drug Test

>> Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Well, I just found out my 7 year old has not been influenced by the drug culture, yet. I discovered this when she was painting her nails and I was sitting at end of the table near her. I offer this test to you to determine if your children are in danger of taking drugs.

Me: "L, your nail polish is making me high."
L: "What do you mean high?"



1st Steps

My baby took her first step this morning! With her 1 year birthday approaching, this year seems to have flown by us so quickly.


Like a Babysitter

Yesterday, my wife had to go out for a doctors appointment. That means dad gets some time along watching the girls. AJ has a pretty strict morning routine, especially for the baby. So before she left, I got the pop quiz:

A: "What time does M go down for a nap?"
T: "I know, I know, 10 am."

A: "And what time does she get up?"
T: "I know, 11 am--but I can't let her over sleep."

T: "Are you asking me because last time I forgot to get her up and get the kids lunch by 11:30am"
A: "Yes"

At least when we get a babysitter, they get a written note... all I get is a pop quiz because last time I didn't stick to the schedule.



Coloring on my books

>> Monday, January 31, 2011

Almost all my kids, except for our baby, has invariably gotten their hands on one of my books and marked it up.

So last night, S got one of my notebooks that I was using for a class and church. She grabbed my pen and scribbled a little in it.

Me: "Did you write on my paper?"
S: "No... I color it."



Who Doesn't Like The Boss?

So M, our almost 1 year old, was crying while we were listening to music on iTunes (The Kinks: Girl You Really Got Me Now)-- then Bruce Springsteen came on and she perked right up and started to dance a little. --I guess she likes the Boss better than British rock bands.


Media Influence

Justin Beiber on Today Show. 4 Year old says, "Justin Beaver, Whose Justin Beaver?!" Sounds good to me! So thrilled to hear that media has not influenced her yet.... Now Elmo on the other had... There is a puppet with power!


Cannot or May not

>> Sunday, January 30, 2011

Last night E was singing while she was flossing her teeth. So from the other room I say, "You can't floss your teeth and sing at the same time."

L, our astute second grader, realizing she can do it says, "Yes she can."

"Ok but she may not."

My second grader knows the difference between cannot and may not-- I however did not make myself clear.




Just a few days ago I caught my daughter 'S' yelling "HELLO" into the toilet bowl.

I hope she was not talking to anyone in there!


Long time mom

>> Saturday, January 29, 2011

You know you've been a mom awhile when...

you can harmonize with your children's toys.


How do you pronounce that?

E shouting across the house: "MOM!!!! I've got a boogie!"
L: "It's not a boogie, it's a bogie"

Boogie: Slang Dried nasal mucus
Bogie: Slang something a fighter pilot shoots down.


Flower discovery

Heard 'M' give a cry. I wonder why for she should be asleep, so I go up and check on her and here she just discovered that there is a flower on her shirt. She is trying to pull it forward to look at it better, but can't, so as she pulls harder she starts to fall backwards. I then did what any good mother does.... ran to get the camera, but missed it. She is now laying down for nap. :(


Fighting for a Name

>> Friday, January 28, 2011

Like any good couple my wife and I had trouble decided on a name for this blog.

AJ: "Don't you think we should choose a gender neutral name so that it appeals to both genders?"
T: "Don't you think women like to see their men FAIL?"
AJ: "Well when you put it that way...."

Sometime winning the battle is losing the war.



Makeup or Makeup

AJ to 'E': "Next week you have a makeup dance practice because it was canceled because of the snow."

'E': "OH, I remember when I had a makeup. We put makeup on for our recital on stage. That was our makeup recital."


Package from Jesus

Today I brought home a box from that was sent to me. It was Michael Horton's new systematic theology: The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way. It's 1,000 pages of theological goodness.

4 year old 'E' looked at the package excitedly: "Did you get a package from Jesus?"


Shirt sleeves are called what?

'E' You can not wear a short sleeve shirt, it is winter wear a long sleeve shirt.

'E' says, "You mean I can't wear an up sleeve shirt. I have to wear a down sleeve shirt."
A: Yes.


Lunch Time

Lunch Time Teachable Moments brought to you by 'S':
S takes a pretzel and says, looks like a basket. Me: Yeah? Who is in the basket? S:baby boy. Me: That's right, it's baby Moses. 'S' breaks a piece off, S: now it's a monster... aaahhhh.... Me: Okay teachable moment is over.


Mr. Sensitive

>> Thursday, January 27, 2011

'S' spilled her water while brushing her teeth and started to cry. Me being the sensitive Dad that I am, helped her get a rag and told her gently with a warm voice to clean it up, helping her by doing it with her. Then I comfortingly added: "See now, was that worth crying about?" 'S', in a moaning wimper: "yeah!" DadFAIL


Stop Fighting

>> Saturday, January 22, 2011

middle two kids fighting upstairs after dinner. Me: "They are fighting" AJ: "If somebody falls down and breaks their arm, I'm not running them to the hospital." Me franticly to upstairs: "STOP FIGHTING!!!" husbandFAIL


Share the Couch

>> Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sitting on the couch, 'S' comes back from lunch: 'S': "MY SEAT," Tim:"How about you ask me to move, so you can sit?" S: "No" dadFAIL


Take out the Trash

>> Saturday, January 15, 2011

AJ: "When you take the trash out, can you shake off my rugs?" Me: "Really?" AJ: "It's doesn't have to be perfect... I've learned not to expect it." LOLs; husbandFAIL



>> Wednesday, January 12, 2011

'S' comes to me for chapstick this morning: S: "Daddy ipstick?" T: "Ok" there are three on the top shelf, I pull one down. S: "No, that Lizabet" Pull down a second, S: "No, not mine" Finally with the third: "that mine." What's it gonna be like when they have real makeup? DadFAIL


Star Trek WIN!

My heart just skipped a beat: in the middle of Sleeping Beauty, 3 year old 'S' looked at me a said, "Daddy, I wanna watch space ship" (i.e. Star Trek) DadWIN


More dadFAIL

>> Friday, January 7, 2011

My wife says to me: "If you need more dad fails, you should stick around more and let me leave." husbandFAIL


Spin the Blocks

>> Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Me: "What did you guys do today?" 5 year old 'E': "At church we played spin the Bo....[heart stops; adrenaline rushes]... bah-locks and knock them down." dadFAIL



>> Monday, January 3, 2011

S just asked me "Daddy can I have my pillow pet?" --since it was sitting on the bed behind me, I just figured she left it there so I reach over and grab it... AJ: "Why did you give that to her? She was being punished?" dadFAIL, husbandFAIL


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