Character or Lack Thereof

>> Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tonight I tried to appeal to my character with my daughter.

L: "Is 'oh my gosh' a bad word because you just said it?"
Rather than give a simple yes or no, I tried to appeal to her on the basis of my character.
Me: "Well do you think if it was a bad word that I would have said it?"
L: "Yes"



A Logical Fallacy that Works on Kids

>> Sunday, November 27, 2011

Me to kids: "If you don't eat your vegetables you won't get a super power."
Kids: "What?! That's not true."
Me: "Mommy doesn't eat vegetables, and mommy doesn't have a super power. Therefore, if you don't eat your vegetables you won't get a super power."


Because there'd be a boy...

>> Monday, November 21, 2011

This is how a conversation unfolded with my oldest:

L: "Daddy, I am 16 going on 17."
Me: "No you're not" (she's 8)
L: "I know but I wish I was."
Me: "I don't"
L: "Why not?"
Me: "Because that would mean there would be a boy 18 going on 19."


Figures of Speech

Me to 1 of the kids: "Don't push your luck."
her: "What does that mean?"
Me: "It means don't tempt fate."
her: "What does that mean?"
Me, toying with her: "It means be careful b/c you're on thin ice."
her: "What does THAT mean?"


Donuts?! Where's my Party?

>> Monday, November 14, 2011

While out with the two youngest:
Me: "Do you want a surprise?"
Girls: "YEAH!"
S (3 yrs old): "Like a party?!"
Me: "A surprise is like a party. Can you guess where we are going to go?"

After giving some hints, we arrive at Dunkin' Donuts. We order donuts.
5 minutes later after S is halfway through her donut: "There's no party here; we need to go where there is a party."
Me: "But this is your surprise. Daddy bought you a donut."
S: "Yeah, but there's no party here."

On the way home: "Are we going to a party now?"

Some days you just can't win.



Holy Ghost

>> Friday, November 11, 2011

Nap time conversation with 3 year old about ghosts.

S: so the ghost got me my bed.
Me: A ghost?
S: yeah, he carried it on his back.
Me: who put the bed together?
S: the ghost
Me: There are no ghosts besides the holy ghost
S: a HOLY ghost?!
Me: yeah, the one that comes to live inside you when you accept Jesus as your Lord
S: so I have to eat him?
Me: no.


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