
>> Tuesday, April 26, 2011

During dinner tonight we were discussing why a person usually knows more than a younger person. 'E' states: "Yeah, that is why Mommy and Daddy know almost everything they are older, right Mom?" Me: Yeah, almost.


Even if God

>> Thursday, April 14, 2011

Today's lunch we were having celery. As I was washing the celery off 'E' says:

"Mom, you know even if God put celery in your fridge you would still have to wash it off."
hhmmm. Never really thought about that before. If God put celery in your fridge, would you have to wash is off?


I'm so loved!

>> Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My oldest daughter (who is 7.5) told me during dinner that I am her best friend! It gets better... friends were telling her things and she told her friends that she was going to share with me and that I would also keep their secrets because I'm her best friend! How sweet is that!


Future Mom in Training

>> Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So I walked up behind E and poked her just to be silly. A conversation ensued:
E: "Dad!!!"
Me: "What? Why do you blame me? How do you know it was me?"
E: "I saw you, I have two eyes. If Mom has like a million eyes because when she's doing something she can still see me, then I can see you."


Better Late than Never

>> Monday, April 11, 2011

S got up from the dinner table. She's supposed to ask before she gets down.

Got to the living room and then she remember:

S: "Dad, can I get up?"

Better late than never?



what kids say...

"Mom! I need help! It's too easy!"


Wii Music

The kids were playing Wii.

E: "L, do you know why their is scary music?"
L: "Why?"
E: "Because you're at a scary place."

It's Mario Party 8.


Water into Wine

>> Saturday, April 9, 2011

Every day I take a sports bottle of water to church. At dinner tonight I was going to pour some of that water into one of my daughter's cup. My wife thinks its gross to reuse a water container without sufficiently rescrubbing them clean. I tend to slack a little in rewashing it because I only use water in it.

AJ: "Ew, don't pour that fermented water into her cup."
Me: "What water cannot ferment."
AJ: "Jesus turned water into wine; water can ferment."




>> Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Mom, I have a wedgie and I can't wedgie it!"


Part 2 lunch conversation 4/6/11

Here are some thoughts that came up during lunch:

'E' : Does a police officer mommy have kids? what about the daddy?
: I wish I could tell God what 'vakerated' means, because he doesn't know what it means.
(maybe because you made it up 'E')


Lunch Conversation 4/6/11

Today as we sit down for lunch I asked the girls what we should talk about and so I suggested that reflecting on how are day has been so far maybe we should talk about our attitudes or about how we are to be obedient as unto the Lord.

Of course, 'E' responded: No, I think we should talk about what everything means, 'cause I don't know what everything means."
Okay then....


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