Nap Time!
>> Thursday, July 21, 2011
So I went in to get the 2 younger girls up from their naps. I went into 'S' room first. Woke her up and asked her if she had a good nap. Here is her response. "No, I need to do it again."
So I went in to get the 2 younger girls up from their naps. I went into 'S' room first. Woke her up and asked her if she had a good nap. Here is her response. "No, I need to do it again."
When I went to get 'S' up from her nap I did not notice till we got outside that she had some gum in her mouth.
'E' and I were sitting on the 2 seater swing and she was turned facing the neighbors yard. They had several older kids playing and she just kept watching them. So I said, "'E' you shouldn't be staring."
Yesterday when L was told not to do something she went off sulking.
Me: "L, are you sulking?"
L: "What's sulking?"
Me: "Its when you go off and pout?"
L: "What's pout?"
Me: "When you are brooding."
L: "What is brooding?"
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