Look at ME

>> Wednesday, February 23, 2011

'E' and 'S' were fighting, and this is how it went:

E: don't look at me
S: no, don't look at me
E: don't look at me
S: don't look at me
As a mom I see this is not going to get anywhere really fast, so I intervened and said, "Hey why don't you girls come and look at me for awhile, I don't mind." Glad to say that solved the fight, but now I wonder why my girls don't want to come and look at me....?


yeah, that's what I said

'S' comes over to me and says, Mommy this is Cinderella" (pointing to the sticker she got from the doc. office today) I looked at the sticker and said, No that is Snow White. 'S' then looks at me and then looks back at the sticker and says w/a confused expression on her face, "yeah, Cinderella!?!" Oh, I must have forgotten that ALL princesses no matter who they are, are called Cinderella's. Silly Me.


"I have a cold"

>> Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We have cough & colds going through the house.

Tonight E said "Maybe I shouldn't play Wii, I have a cold."

I don't know we may have to run to the ER; it could be more serious than we thought. ;-)


singing to clean

This morning 'E' comes down with all the laundry and heads to the living room singing,

"Today I get to clean the bathroom, oh, oh, oh yeah! I get to clean the bathroom, oh, oh, yeah!"
Reminds me of how we are to do everything with a joyful heart! (even cleaning the bathrooms)


pteranodon's at dinner!

>> Saturday, February 19, 2011

During dinner while my hubby & I were talking I see 'S' flapping her arms yelling, "AWW-AWW"

So I turned to her and said, "Stop acting like a pteranodon and eat your dinner." How many moms get to say that?!


Star Trek IV Plot

Tonight, L, our oldest daughter asks: "Can we watch Star Trek IV?"
Me: "Sure honey"
L: "That's Mrs. G's [teacher at school] favorite Star Trek. She says it has whales in it and they have to bring the whales back to the future." Pauses. "What does that [back to the future] mean?"
Me: "Well in the movie, they travel back in time to around the time daddy was a little boy [mid-1980s]..."
L: "WHHHOAAAA!!!!!!"



Imagination FAIL

>> Thursday, February 17, 2011

E: "Dad, I wish my Barbies would come alive and be real like people so I could play with them."
Dad: "That'd be cool but you just have to use your imagination." 
E: "I do, but it doesn't work."




My daughter just told me 'You are not my mother'

Yeah, if she says this now and next week she turns 3, what will she say when she's 10,12,16,19?


Smelly Valentine

>> Monday, February 14, 2011

Since I have four girls, I got them each something for Valentine Days. You know, trying to be the good Dad and teach them how men should treat their ladies, even from a young age.

So last night I set out the little card, ballon and stuff animal with candy that I had gotten them.

This morning they were all excited to see what the got. Of course, they were up and at the breakfast table before I was ready to get out of bed.

S asked me to come and read her card. I was all excited, turning 3 this month this was the first time she was actually interested in reading the card. In the middle of me reading the sweet little note she looks up at me: "Dad, you smell."

Happy Valentine's Day to you too.



Growing up!

>> Sunday, February 13, 2011

This month 2 out of our 4 children will have b-days. You can really see the difference between a 1 yr. old 'M' celebrating from our 2 going on 3 yr. old celebrating. Our 2 year old 'S' is SO excited about her sisters birthday and knows her b-day is coming. As we sing, 'S' decided she just can't wait, so she blows out the candle before we even finish the song. Pure excitement for birthdays!



>> Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I was trying to trim my 4 yr. olds hair this evening, I needed to find something at her height to look at to stay still. Needless to say it was the hole that is in the curtain in our livingroom. So we started talking about curtains and how we need new ones. She stated that they should be princess ones. I looked at her and asked if Daddy would like that. Her response, "Well, Daddy can have star trek curtains on the smaller window and we can have princess ones on the really big windows."

Okay, but not too sure if Mom likes that idea.....


iTunes Fail

>> Monday, February 7, 2011

I was surfing the web on my laptop and 'E' came down from her afternoon nap. She sat next to me to watch.

E: "Dad, play some music"
Me: "I don't have any music on here"
E: "Yes you do!" pointing to the iTunes icon "It's right there!"

I stand corrected.

So I play the only two songs I have amongst all the podcast. For some reason I have a copy of the theme song to the original Duke's of Hazard and I have the music from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Once that was done, it went to an audio lecture.

E: "Dad, can you get that talking off of there?"



Count Down

'S' counts for hide-n-seek: 1,2,3,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Here I come!



>> Friday, February 4, 2011

My 4 yr. old daughter said I was still 20! This is a happy day for mom!



The other night we had some pizza. We put the pizza out and a turned away for a few seconds. By the time we looked back S, almost 3, had decided that she would cut the pizza. She made some interesting pizza shapes.


The Barbie

>> Thursday, February 3, 2011

You know you're a mom when you analyze the Barbie doll a little too closely

Here is what I noticed today while playing with 'S' that Barbie's upper eyeliner is black and lower eye liner is brown. What is that about?
Also, while playing with Barbie I noticed she has the popping knee joints. When I was a kid it was just something fun so Barbie can sit, but now that I am a little older it reminds me of either athletic knees or old arthritic knee joints. How over time one's view can change!


Cards Don't Talk!

I gave our 4 yr. old a used Wendy's gift card. She looks it over and asks what the numbers are for on the card. I told her that every card comes with numbers. She turns to me and says, 'Mom, cards can't have numbers they don't talk!' Had to clarify the difference between phone numbers and card numbers. Don't think I should have to do this at 4 years of age! They are growing up way to quickly these days.


How to raise a Trekkie

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

"Does Mom know I'm watching this?"

"That's a big ship"
"I want one"



>> Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This is how our soon-to-be 3 year old 'S' asks for water during a meal:

"Can you water me?"


"Keep it down"

The other day my 4 year old 'E' was coloring at the kitchen table. I was in the adjacent room listening to iTunes music. She says to me: "Dad, would you keep it down, I NEED to focus."

I guess coloring can produce a lot of stress, staying inside the lines and all.


(after we scanned it, I showed her it was on the computer and she asked: is it still on the coloring book?")


Drug Test

>> Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Well, I just found out my 7 year old has not been influenced by the drug culture, yet. I discovered this when she was painting her nails and I was sitting at end of the table near her. I offer this test to you to determine if your children are in danger of taking drugs.

Me: "L, your nail polish is making me high."
L: "What do you mean high?"



1st Steps

My baby took her first step this morning! With her 1 year birthday approaching, this year seems to have flown by us so quickly.


Like a Babysitter

Yesterday, my wife had to go out for a doctors appointment. That means dad gets some time along watching the girls. AJ has a pretty strict morning routine, especially for the baby. So before she left, I got the pop quiz:

A: "What time does M go down for a nap?"
T: "I know, I know, 10 am."

A: "And what time does she get up?"
T: "I know, 11 am--but I can't let her over sleep."

T: "Are you asking me because last time I forgot to get her up and get the kids lunch by 11:30am"
A: "Yes"

At least when we get a babysitter, they get a written note... all I get is a pop quiz because last time I didn't stick to the schedule.



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