Sleeping Beauty Game

>> Friday, May 13, 2011

So 'E' came to me and asked if playing a princess game would be fun.

Me: Sure if it was a Sleeping Beauty game. Now that would be fun.
'E': How do you play that?
Me: You get to sleep and whoever can sleep the longest wins. I know I would be good at that game. I love to sleep!
'E': I am good at that too!
Me: okay lets try it. Ready. Go.

We both rested out heads against the fridge (for I was in the middle of cooking dinner at the time) and 'E' has never been SO quiet for that long of a period of time! I just wanted to laugh, for now I know how to get her to just slow down, not move, and stop talking! We will play the Sleeping Beauty Game!

Oh, and I lost for "L" walked in from school and was calling me, so I had to answer and lose.


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