When Questions Overwhelm...

>> Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So lately our oldest L has been on this kick of asking all kinds of questions. Most of them have been word meanings or figures of speech. Today seemed like an unusual amount of questions and I just was a little tired of it. I honestly just got flustered. So this is how the conversation at dinner went:

AJ: "We have to clean the house tonight because if it is not cleaned I get overwhelmed when I see it the next day."
L: "What does overwhelmed mean?"
Me: "L, that's all you do right now is ask questions. It is getting annoying. That's all you do all the time. I'm tired of it. I'm going to buy you a dictionary for your birthday, then you can look up all these words so I don't have to answer your questions!"
AJ: "You know the questions are good because she wants to learn."
E chimes into the conversation: "What's a dictionary?"



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